Everything You Need To Make Anyone A Cloth Nappy Pro!
So you've finally got your head around using cloth nappies - yay!
You've got the wash routine down to a fine art, you've nailed the fit and you've found the perfect nappy and set-up for your little one... but now you need to go back to work, or perhaps it's date night and you're leaving the cloth nappy duties to someone else! OMG!!
You might be wondering where to start when it comes to sharing your cloth nappy gems of wisdom with your little one's temporary caregiver, and here's where we step in!! We've compiled this bank of resources to help you turn any newbie into a pro in no time!
Basics of Fitting Cloth Nappies
You know how to fit cloth nappies on your baby better than anyone! But teaching that to somebody else can be a bit tricky initially, especially when there's snaps involved!
We have created an easy-to-follow fit guide for our nappies to make learning to use them without leaks or marks, as easy as one-two-three!
You can find our FREE Downloadable fit guide here which is perfect for giving to babysitters and childcare providers to help them get the best fit they possibly can!
See a preview of our fit guide below:

Customising The Fit For Your Child!
Now that we've covered the basics of fitting cloth nappies, and your child's new friend is comfortable with how to put the nappy on, it's time to customise! Babies come in all different shapes and sizes with varying absorbency needs so making sure you're able to customise the nappy to your baby is a must!
Monarch Nappies are OSFM designs with multiple size settings on each of our nappies! This allows you to use the same nappies from birth to toilet training, but does mean the fit settings and process will change as time goes on!
To make your life easier, we've created some FREE printable, easy-to-use and easy-to-read snap placement guides that you can print off at home! To use them simply print off whichever guide you are needing to use, and mark which snap settings your little one is fitting best in at the time! As time goes on, and these settings change, simply print a new guide and repeat the process again to provide your caregiver with an updated customised fit guide for your little one!
OR, take it one step further and get your guide laminated! Then you can simply mark your snaps with a wipeable marker and continue to reuse the same sheet, saving you time and minimizing your waste!
Get your free Classic Nappy Snap Placement Guide HERE!
Get your free Ultimate Snaps Nappy Snap Placement Guide HERE!
Get your free Ultimate Hook and Loop Nappy Snap Placement Guide HERE!
Preview our Snap Placement Guides below:

But... what about the washing side of things?
Gone are the days of soaking and buckets with cloth nappies and finding a wash routine that works for you is super easy - but you already knew that!
Take the guesswork and explanation out of handing your precious cloth over to another person by giving them a custom prescription as to how to wash your nappies!
If you need a refresher, you can find our handy dandy wash guide here!
Monarch Store sources all our wash routine information from Clean Cloth Nappies, the leading experts in all things washing and drying for reusable absorbent items! Clean Cloth Nappies offer an incredible, comprehensive and user-friendly wash routine template which allows you to enter the exact settings, dosage and instructions to wash your cloth nappies in your washing machine!
Simply fill out the template and provide it to the caregiver by popping it in the laundry or handing it straight to them!
You can find the awesome templates here and for further information, you can visit Clean Cloth Nappies at any time!
So now you have everything your need to make anybody a cloth nappy pro, you can go out and enjoy a child-free day without the stress of nappies on your mind!
Please let us know in the comments of this blog if there's any other resources you would love to see us provide for you!